Kathy is a new member of the Stitch Angels who heard about us from Ceil (on the left) and Gail (on the right) while they knitted at another group out of Cece's Wool and More in Guilderland. Kathy knits and crochets and is working on a project for herself.

We all thought this was knitted but Kathy is crocheting a long tunic coat for herself.

And here is Jese who joined us last week as a new crocheter.

She has mastered how to crochet a chain for the foundation of a project. I got a little busy and didn't get a chance to photograph her progress but she is well on her way to making a scarf for herself.

Our group filled the room today. At this rate we might have to add another table!

Yvonne's Pompom hat has all its cables now and...

She finished it all but for the ends getting woven in. We all admired the bright green color which Yvonne said was the same color she used to knit an afghan.

Gail completed the Manly Hat for which she held 3 colors together. She has started another with the red and white yarns and has a Helix Hat in progress as well.
Ceil's Bankhead hat is nearing completion...

And just like that, it's done!

Ooops! I almost forgot to show you another of Gail's projects. This hat is made by knitting one round with the solid black yarn and the next round with the novelty yarn that has a sparkle strand and sequins interspersed. What a pretty fabric it creates!!!

Tina is back!!! We really missed her sunny disposition and determination. She knew how to crochet when she joined the Stitch Angels and wanted to learn how to knit. Very early in her learning journey, she decided to attempt a pair of socks. Her first pair required her to start them 57 times! She was determined not to let them win! This is her second pair and it took her only 2 tries to cast on. Congratulations Tina! They look great and it's so good to have you back!

Pam is starting a Helix Hat using the red, white, and blue yarns.

I made a little progress on the Panini Beanie which I bring it to my husband's physical therapy sessions so I have something to do while I wait.

Rena's hat will be finished lickety split with those big needles and bulky yarn. Debra started another 2x2 ribbed hat and Barbara is finishing up the I-cord bind off round on her Gluckskind blanket.
Athena's capelet had another row or two and then....

It was done!

Jim doesn't like to follow a pattern so he just does what he feels so his hat has become...

A carry-all for his crafting equipment.

Geri finished her crocheted hat and started...

another right away. We are a prolific little group!

Darwin had a day off from his volunteer duties at the library so he began a new crochet project. Bob also started a new blanket. And Edgar makes slow progress on his crochet hat.
Maria is starting over with the Two by Two hat. It seems she was using the wrong weight yarn the first time around.

But that's the great thing about knitting. You can rip it out and start over.

The sun is getting lower in the sky and the house if feeling a bit chilly. I'm sure it's all psychological but I need to grab a sweater and maybe my kitty to keep me warm. Have a great week and keep those needles clicking!