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  • knittingchick50

Knitting and crocheting warmth and love

We had a few stragglers this week that arrived late but our total was a whopping 19 Angels today. Everyone worked hard to complete their projects for the elementary school across the street from the library so we can deliver our gifts on January 26th.

Tomasa turned in a cowl, pair of mittens, and a hat called Jelka which looks a little different from the original design. She was on a roll knitting the solid purple ribbing and jumped right into stockinette stitch before she realized the dotted pattern was supposed to start right after the ribbing. Luckily, she was able to fudge the pattern a bit and make it look like it was intended to be a centered design. It looks great and saved her the trouble of ripping out all that progress and starting over.

She is now working on a colorful hat by combining two lighter weight yarns to create a whole new tweedy looking fabric.

I completed the hat I was knitting these last few weeks. It is a combination of the Beloved Hat pattern and the Waldkind leaf motif for the tie ends.

Jim was excited to show us the progress he made on his project.

And Athena crocheted a large baby bib which...

She completed by the end of session.

Missy's crocheted hat is starting to look like a jaunty beret.

And Gerry picked up her crocheted shawl after a bit of a hiatus.

We had another newcomer today, another Gerry! She, like Kathy who couldn't attend today, is also a beader. Here she is stringing a necklace.

Our Queen of Loom Knitting, Terry, is working on another scarf with a pretty selection of pastel colors.

Bob's blanket is growing so large he can hide behind it!

Barbara is also making good progress on her ABC baby blanket for her cousin. You can now see the blocks, letters, duck, and boat that are knitted into the design.

Maria's Bastion Beanie is slowly growing. She is still a bit unsure of her skills as a knitter so when she makes a mistake she thinks she needs to rip out and start over. But this is a forgiving yarn and pattern so even if there is a mix up in the stitches, it is well camouflaged so no one will notice.

Janna finished the fingerless mitts from last week and started yet another Helix Hat. This is the fourth one she has made so far with the same yarn. However...

She has knitted each one with a different color ribbing which changes the look of the dominant colors.

Keiko finished the knitting part of her Vinkel vest and now will learn how to seam the pieces together.

Debra has one mitten done except for the thumb.

She will work the second mitten on DP's and then make the thumbs of both later.

Ceil's triangular shawl uses a lovely yarn called Over the Rainbow. The edges are done in I-cord as the body of the shawl is knitted.

Gail showed us her Breathe and Hope Shawl by Casapinka, a design that was offered at the beginning of the pandemic. She used two yarns to create the lovely pattern, a solid and a variegated.

Then she worked a bit on her Geogradient Shawl that has about 900 stitches on the needle at last count.

Yvonne made progress on her scarf since last week but faced a bit of frustration when not once but twice she encountered knots in the yarn! She used the braided join technique to avoid having a lumpy knot in her work that might possible come undone. The braided join is very secure and almost impossible to detect.

Maggie completed one whole mitten and didn't discover until it was done that one stitch was floating loose as it had not been worked in its round. Rather than rip it out, I suggested she just work some yarn from the inside up to the point of the loose stitch, catch it with the needle and work it into the fabric. She can then weave the two ends of the repair yarn into the inside of the mitten and no one will be the wiser. She is using a lovely Sandes Garn soft purple yarn for another pair of mittens and has yet another pair awaiting their thumbs.

My husband is having a snack and since I'm starving I think I'll join him.

Have a great week and keep those needles clicking!

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