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  • knittingchick50

Between two holidays

Here we are between Christmas and New Year and many of the Stitch Angels were absent today. It's a busy time when families are visiting and the sheer energy it takes to get through a few days with my gang requires Herculean strength sometimes! I hope your holidays were as fun and filled with love as mine were.

It was so good to see Maria after a long absence. She started the Bastion Beanie today.


There were 70+ stitches to cast on so to make sure they weren't twisted when she connected them, she knit one row flat and then joined the work to be knitted in the round. When she has finished the hat, she will use what's left of the tail end of the cast on yarn to sew up the little divot that remains from the flat knitting.

Anaiah wanted to learn how to crochet so Athena was giving her pointers. With all the videos on YouTube to help, she'll be crocheting in no time.

Athena worked on a new hat project today.

While Bob added more rows to his afghan. It looks like the next color in the rotation will be a pretty aqua. We almost didn't recognize him without his beard when he arrived!

Kathy worked on her beading.

And Missy continued to add rounds to her crochet project.

A few weeks ago I showed you a picture of Mike holding the sweater he was knitting for his daughter. Well, here is Erin in her lovely new pullover and hat that her Dad put so much love and time into making for her. They both fit beautifully too!

Ceil continued her work on her "All I Want" shawl.(

This eyelet section will drape down gracefully to a lace edging.

I'm working on the "Beloved" hat. (

I changed it up a bit by knitting a leaf motif to the end of the I-cord tie which I borrowed from the scarf pattern called "Waldkind" (

Terry, aka Queen of Loom Knitting, is working on a smaller project, a headband, using a machine washable acrylic yarn.

Gail started the Decision Tree Toque using Plymouth Encore in a soft gray tweed.


She completed the yellow one she made a few weeks ago but I got distracted and forgot to photograph it.

Pam completed a Musselburgh ( Her choice of colors go together so nicely! It can be worn with either side showing giving the recipient options.

Pam also completed two mittens that just need the thumbs knitted. The dark yarn is a place holder where she will pick up the stitches and continue to knit the thumbs.

Yoshi stopped by long enough to drop off seven more pairs of mittens. She gets very creative with little design features that turn an ordinary mitten into a work of art.

Cinzia started round two of this chevron scarf she's making for her daughter's friend. On round one she discovered there wouldn't be enough yarn to make it long enough so she frogged the whole scarf to cast on fewer stitches to make it narrower. The stockinette and reverse stockinette pattern gives it nice dimension.

Karen completed the first of a pair of fingerless mitts. She knitted a flat rectangle and then crocheted the side seam with just enough space for the thumb. Such a pretty color too!

In just a few days we'll be ushering in the new year. I hope it's a good one for everybody and that we all find lots of time to keep those needles clicking!

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