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  • knittingchick50

An afternoon with the Angels

There were 16 Angels in attendance today. Everyone must have been working hard because there were a few quiet moments when you could hear the wheels turning as everyone concentrated. And then it would go back to the usual enthusiasm as we shared projects and information.

Athena is working with the last skein of yarn on her blanket and has decided to make a border in black yarn around all four sides. Her friends have been watching her progress and have asked her to teach them how to crochet.

Karen likes working with the novelty yarns so she picked up her crochet hook to make a little satchel to hold...wait for it...crochet hooks! She thought that was ironic.

Debra was working on a pair of socks which she tried to make match exactly but as you can see in the last photo, the company tied a knot in the center of the ball of yarn. And as if that wasn't egregious enough, they tied the colors totally out of order! We were both frustrated at that one. Now she has a choice, keep knitting with the colors not matching the first sock or pull out yards and yards of wasted yarn to reach the same sequence as the first sock. We came to the conclusion that once they are on feet and in shoes, no one will notice. ;)

Tina, our newest Angel, is adept at crocheting but she wants to learn how to knit as well. So today was the day she started on that journey down the rabbit hole as she embarks on a world of knitting. She started off quite well and already learned how to achieve a good even tension, something which can be difficult for a newbie to do.

My project is a cowl called Apiarist. It was fairly easy to make and had just enough cabling to keep it entertaining to knit. The yarn is a superwash wool so it can be machine washed and dried. After seeing this photo, I can tell it's going to need a thorough blocking.

Pam completed one sock and started the second with this delightfully colored yarn. She is also working on a shawl using a gradient yarn, over on the left. The pattern under the sock is an upcoming shawl in her queue.

Yvonne started another scarf while Gail graciously offered to weave in ends on two of Yvonne's finished hats.

Keiko faithfully works on her 22.5 Degrees shawl. Each week shows more and more progress. Pretty amazing for someone who didn't know how to knit when she joined us.

Ceil is working on the Butternut Scarf using a silk blend yarn that is as soft as a cloud. And look at that gorgeous color! Ok, ok, I know, I'm a sucker for that family of colors which include teals, turquoises, and aqua blues. But you can't deny how pretty it is!

Janna completed the Dart and Dash Beanie which shows off the design motif best when it's on a head.

Maria is casting on stitches using a cotton and linen blend yarn for a summer weight t-shirt. And check out the color! LOL!

The pattern is Anker's Summer Shirt which she knitted once before so she's familiar with the construction.

Charlene is working on a deadline to complete the Norwegian Fir Top Down Cardigan so her granddaughters can wear matching sweaters on Easter. Better knit faster!

Rena is adding another C2C (corner to corner) blanket to her inventory. The colorful yarn is machine wash and dry, just the thing for babies who can be messy.

Jim added a new color to his blanket this week. One of my friends gave me some yarn to share with the group and Jim was able to pick out the next color for it.

Missy started assembling the granny squares for her little kerchief. She is adorning the edges with a sweet little ruffle.

That's all for now. Next week we'll have a whole new set of projects to show you.

Until then, keep those needles clicking!

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