It was an afternoon for winter coats and warm wooly scarves. But it was toasty warm at the library today, almost too toasty since the afternoon sun shines right in on our backs.

Jim put the finishing touches on the blanket he crocheted for a friend's daughter who is wheelchair bound.

He finished it before it was time to go home. He made sure to keep the dimensions small enough so it wouldn't get caught in the wheels of the chair.

Keiko started a scarf called Waldkind. It starts with a provisional cast on to make one leaf. Then the stitches are picked up and the rest of the scarf is knitted to the opposite end. It's a darling little scarf for a child but can be knitted larger if you want one for yourself.

Pam completed two Seis Cabos Beanies and has started a third. I'm glad she discovered Benjamin Matthew's designs because he has nice patterns and very clear instructions.
I started a Benjamin Matthews hat too. The Orchard Harvest Beanie is easier than it looks but I wouldn't suggest it as social knitting, as I discovered today.

Interruptions are the enemy of counting stitches. Next time I'll pick a pattern that enables me to talk and knit at the same time. But I think I'm going to like this!

Maria is at the very beginning of a hat she is knitting for her husband.

It's another Benjamin Matthews design called Pantheon Beanie
and can be purchased on Ravelry.

Ceil is making a large spiral sock for a friend who broke her foot and has to wear a boot cast. The spiral design is made in such a way that it does not require knitting a heel so it can adapt itself to the size of the foot or boot in this case.

Gail started a Helix Hat with three colors that really stand out and compliment each other.

Athena continued working diligently on her blanket while Darwin started a Christmas stocking and Bob began a new blanket. The vibrant orange surprised us all since he usually knits with quieter colors.
Jim brought along a friend, John, who spent his time enjoying a jigsaw puzzle.

He also does beadwork and made a necklace for a friend.

Edgar added a few more rows to his crocheted hat.

And Janna started a scarf using baby alpaca yarn. But I think I overheard her say she's not sure she will continue with the pattern. The yarn is fuzzy so it hides the stitch definition of a pattern. Check back next week to see what she decides.

Gerry is almost finished with a crocheted hat for her grandson. The rectangle will be folded and seamed up the long edge and across the top. Then the cuff will be folded twice to make it cozy and warm over the ears.

Last time we saw Pat she was crocheting a head band with this yarn.

This week she decided to make an infinity scarf for herself since the yarn color goes so well with her coat.

Maggie worked on some knitted cowls. She commented how odd it felt not to be knitting mittens, her specialty.

The simple rectangular knit will be seamed up the side edge. Then the tube can be slipped over the head to keep someone's neck nice and warm.

Well, someone is trying to convey a message to me.
Gee! I wonder what he could possibly need.

If I don't respond to him in a timely manner he starts chewing whatever cords he knows will get me to jump out of my chair. So until next week, keep those needles clicking.